Coming to theaters on June 17th, 2022, Lightyear will tell "The origin story of action figure Buzz Lightyear and his adventures to infinity and will feature the character Buzz the toy is based on, rather than the actual toy featured in the original film."
The director of Lightyear spoke on the film, "It's meant to be the ultimate love letter for the period of sci-fi between 1977 and 1987," he explained. "But it's also heavily influenced by the cinematography of the 1970s and the French New Wave." Many fans of the time period 1977-1987 will recall other sci-fi classics Star Wars, Alien, Back to the Future, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, E.T., Explorers, and The Terminator that also take place during the time period.
Evans has been noted to be very dedicated to his performance as Buzz, and wanting to do justice to Tim Allen who made the character famous in the initial Toy Story Films.
