The first look at Robert Patterson as Batman is here and fans are freaking out. The $100 million budgeted film is set to release on March 4th of 2022.
The film will also feature Zoe Kravitz as cat women. 2022 Batman will be the first stand alone Batman Movie in 10 years.
The trailer sees a young 'emo' Bruce Wayne who wears black eyeliner smudged on his face. He then seeks revenge for the loss of his parents. One of the lines in the trailer that fans can not stop talking about is when a man asked “Who the hell are you supposed to be?” After beating him up, Pattinson’s Batman responds, “I’m vengeance.”
"Batman's not a hero" says Patterson. In a New York Times interview Patterson noted "He’s a complicated character. I don’t think I could ever play a real hero — there’s always got to be something a little bit wrong."
The director of the film, Matt Reeves, revealed that the film will focus more on the detective skills of Bruce Wayne. Reeves noted that many prior films have not focused on this aspect of Bruce Wayne, but that at his core Bruce is suppose to be the greatest detective.
The Trailer can be seen HERE